Torta Caprese: recipe

Today we discover the recipe of a cake that is the symbol of our island: the iconic and tasty Caprese Cake! Rich in almonds and cocoa, with a soft texture, it is a dessert that can conquer from the first bite.  Born a hundred years ago, from a true icon of Campania pastry, it has become famous throughout Italy. The pastry chef of the Grotta Azzurra Gourmet, has revealed the secrets of his preparation. 


250 g of butter 

250 g of sugar 

5 eggs 

half a kilo of almonds 

250 g of dark chocolate 

20 g of rum



Pour the butter and sugar into a bowl, add the eggs little by little and mix. Then add the almonds and the chocolate, previously melted in a microwave or a bain-marie, and finally the aromas, vanilla and rum. Pour the mixture into a baking pan and bake at 170°C for about 45 minutes.

Mistakes not to be made

Eggs for baked cakes should always be at room temperature! In addition, we must pay attention to the choice of almonds, one of the key ingredients. We always buy quality Italian almonds: Sicily and Puglia are excellent producing regions. Last but not least, do not make mistakes on the cooking! A perfect caprese cake must be cooked and moist inside, so be careful not to dry it too much.

The gaskets

Such a perfect dessert does not need large toppings: the original recipe involves a dusting of powdered sugar once the cake is cooled. Who loves to enrich every recipe with a touch of originality, can serve the Caprese cake with a fresh scoop of delicious ice cream, or with a sprinkling of bitter cocoa; still, who prefers the sweetest flavors, can accompany the Caprese chocolate cake with a curl of tasty whipped cream.

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